cooking marijuana

  1. Play_Dead(~})

    Adding lecithin to edibles

    I’ve recently started making edibles and wanted to start adding lecithin. I use coconut oil, Can it be added anytime? Or does it need to be added in the beginning of cooking? I didn’t add any to the batch I just made but was curious if it could just be mixed in.
  2. Buds420grow

    What to make with butter

    I’ve got about 1/2 a pound of sugar leaves and various trim from my first harvest was wondering what I should make ?
  3. B

    HELP ASAP!! Tincture Edibles

    I’m not sure if I’m doing this right. I’ve posted but I can’t find it anywhere, not even under my profile content. So I’m going to post again. I went and bought 6 bottle of THC tincture from the dispensary today for my edibles. I’ve been making edibles for years but have always made my own...
  4. B

    Tincture edibles

    So I went and bought 6 bottles of tincture from the dispensary today for my edibles, I’ve made edibles for the last few years but have always made my own infused coconut oil or butter or whatever. But I’ve never worked with tincture, I was told you have to decarb it? But isn’t it already...
  5. D

    Problem with Potency

    I am having a problem with potency it seems. I am 50 and have been smoking since around 23. I have a very high tolerance. I recently started making my own canaoil. I first did butter but found I lost too much in the cooking process. So I switched to Coconut Oil where I lose none. Ok here is the...
  6. rico5460

    Help: Weird, stringy canna butter that smells like parmesan

    Hi everyone, I would really appreciate some feedback on a canna butter question. I've made butter plenty of times, usually successfully. However, most recently I made my biggest batch yet and some things seem off. Usually, I will decarb, simmer in refined coconut oil and add soy lecithin, all...
  7. P

    cooking dried bud?

    my wife suffers from Ductal Carcinoma and she recently ran out of dried bud. We're overwhelmed by bills so cant afford the dispensary right now. We grow our own (legally) but none was harvested/cured, so I plucked off maybe 2g wet and threw it in the over, just in hopes. Will she get the...
  8. S

    Newbie making canna caps

    New Member Hey it's my first post here let's see how this goes.. So I have a half a pound of gorilla glue trim/shake I bought from my local despensory. I am trying to make the MOST potent canna caps POSSIBLE. I'm going to be using coconut oil and this is my first time I'd like to know if anyone...
  9. S

    Newbie making canna caps

    Hey it's my first post here let's see how this goes.. So I have a half a pound of gorilla glue trim/shake I bought from my local despensory. I am trying to make the MOST potent canna caps possible as this is my first time I'd like to know if anyone knows the best way to go about this...
  10. L

    Cannabutter in the slow cooker w/o decarb

    Hello all, So about a week ago, found a recipe for cannabutter using a slow cooker. It didn’t say to decarb the cannabis first so put it right in with the butter and oil and let it simmer on low for 7 hours like it called for.strained It then solidified and is in the freeezer. Hoping to make...
  11. Blondieluvsbuds

    Recipes for fudge made with infused coconut oil?? Newbie needs help

    New to making edibles and wanted to see if anyone's made some type of fudge-if it worked out. Have baked with infused butter only before and looking for other things to try besides cookies. Totally open to whatever!!
  12. paukaly

    Marijuana White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies

    Very easy recipes to make yourself with our butter marijuana; white chocolate macadamia nut cookies Muy fácil de recetas para hacer con nuestra mantequilla de marihuana; chocolate blanco nuez de macadamia cookies...