
  1. $

    Mysterious light poltergeist

    I am running 9 HPS 1000 watt lights with digital ballasts to a 12 light controller box with plenty of power to run everything. I have a single light that has persistently given me trouble for about a year. I gave up on using it altogether for a few rounds and am once again trying to solve the...
  2. farmingfisherman

    2021 Tour de France

    Anyone watching this year?
  3. SpawnOfVader

    Road Biking and Smoking (solo) thoughts?

    I've been timing my rides over the last year or so and adding a category for if I did/did not smoke before.... I'm noticing that on rides where I smoke before I go on average 23% further and 5% faster pace. I'm thinking this is because I start the ride more relaxed so I don't tense up my...