drug testing

  1. H

    Will this home drug tests pass a lab test ?

    I’ve already submitted the urinalysis . It is the same 50ng/ml cutoff . I am trying to see where i am
  2. Tolerance Break

    Giving up smoke for a job, focusing on the grow

    I have to quit smoking for the IBEW, its a nessessary sacrifice. I refuse to stop growing because I love it, it makes me genuinely happy. I am a bit bummed, but I am looking forward to growing the best bud I can. I am curious if anybody else has had to quit and continued to grow? Did it help...
  3. C

    Passing Drug Test Using "The Urinator"

    Hello all, I am posting this thread to see if anyone has experience using the urinator to pass a pre-employment drug screening. I haven't smoked since December 13th (roughly 37 days) and am still having trouble getting consistent negative results when using a home drug test. Sometimes I get...
  4. M

    I am going to get drug test in a week, need help!

    I am an occasional user (a blunt on a Saturday occasionally). I had 60mg of THC in a chocolate 1st saturday. I did not consume for the week. Then, I had another 60mg of THC (chocolate edible) the following saturday. After that I have not used (eat or smoke) weed at all. I took a dollar tree...
  5. E

    AM I clean enough for a drug test?

    Hello! I have been struggling to find out if i am clean enough, Here's my case. Hoping someone would actually read it and help me out -So i am 22 years old 5'8 height and 78KG, I am physically active, But has done cardio in like 3 months now(i started last may until now). I am smoking for like...
  6. F

    Walmart D.C. drug testing

    Does anyone know how Walmart D.C. in Georgia conducts its drug test???
  7. L

    Drug test temp strips trick for subbing

    So I was reading up on subbing extensively and noted that some people say they piss inside the cup and dump it then put their sub in, but a much more common sense idea came to mind (couldn't find this ANYWHERE) Why not just either A. Piss on the outside of the cup on the test strip to get it to...
  8. C

    Pre Employment drug tests

    Does anybody know the official policy of taking a pre employment drug test and having a medical marijuana card? I'm confused by the law because it says the employer can't ask you about your medical marijuana status but the drug labs I've called says that it has to report the positive to the...
  9. G

    Cocaine drug test

    Hello sorry I'm very new here, I recently did a gram of Coke. And I will be getting tested for a government job, exactly 2 weeks after the usage. I drank beer that night as well. However this was only the 2nd time I had ever done cocaine. Will I pass a 150n/g cut off test?
  10. 7

    Drug Test

    I last smoked on October 23rd and have only smoked once before this. I have a hair follicle drug test coming up in early March and am wondering if I have anything to worry about. I'm not a regular smoker and its been well over 90 days since I last smoked (and I've gotten multiple haircuts since...
  11. B

    Using anothers urine for a drug test?

    I have a drug test coming up on Monday at my doctors & I'm definitely going to fail my test. However, he uses these cheap dip cup tests that show the results instantly. This doctor drugs tests all most all his patients, literally has a drawer full of them. I asked my girlfriend to help me out...
  12. D

    I have information about drug testing.

    Hello, I'd prefer to not give my real name. Just call me Phleb. I am currently working as a certified phlebotomy st and a certified drug and alcohol technician. I am here to provide up to date and accurate drug testing infirmation. Please feel free to contact me.