
  1. P

    Slight light leak during flip to flower ...smh

    Put my girls into darkness 1.5 days ago and realized that light from other room leaked through for an hour or two through a/c tubing, which is bumming me out. Dumbass move on my part. Not direct blinding light but still not ideal. Are my plants gonna be totally whacked out when I turn the lights...
  2. O

    Did I fuck up...

    Toss? it’s such a small amount but covered a half pound. I bagged it to early. Anyone got any ideas? My heart hurts
  3. B

    Germination problem

    Hey was looking for some advice I had two seeds one dark devil auto from sweet seeds and one auto do si dos from barneys farm and while germinating the dark devil was fine is now in pots and growing into a little seedling but the do si dos went into paper towel the same time and only has a tiny...
  4. Dish

    Seedsman - Zombie Death Fuck

    Anyone else giving this strain a try? The strain description and potential THC% has me SUPER excited for this one! I've got a 4-node lass I hatched from seed that just got transplanted into her "forever home" yesterday! Looks like I luckd out and bought some before they became "unavailable...
  5. calvin.m16

    Dropped my $2500 mini split today on concrete.

    I was building a new wall in my grow room. Decided to eliminate some dead cubic feet I was treating for no reason. I clipped up my mini split head and it decided it wasn't happy where it was at and dumped into the floor and all the vents and louvers snapped off. Water went everywhere and it was...
  6. B

    Is it a problem?

    I am in a sunny and hot climate but these 3 days it rained a lot and the temperature fell. I have a gorilla glue and it is day 30 from seed. Do i need to do something?
  7. curious2garden

    How will we go on without our Labia?

    A tribute to one of the finest threads on TC and our revered gangsta @Gary Goodson How many dix can you fit in your ............ 44 penis
  8. ChingOwn

    I am Clayton Bigsby

    I am Clayton Bigsby are you?
  9. ChingOwn


    I got in my truck and fired er up, buckled my seat belt and put her in reverse backed out of the parking spot and started on my way. Just as I was starting to get my cruise on, I noticed something odd and upside down. There looking at me right by where the windshield and the ceiling meet was a...