
  1. S

    Help! Small brown spots only in the stem during drying (Rot?)

    Hi guys, I cut about three days ago and right now the girls are in the room drying at 62 degrees and 58/60% humidity. Inspecting in the middle of the flowers I noticed that in the center of a few flowers ,precisely in the stem, there are marks that tend on the brownish. Nothing like that on the...
  2. crimsonecho

    bud rot pathogens

    i was browsing the interwebs, doing some research and stuff and stumbled upon this paper released less than a year ago. its detailed work and also has photos which made me realized i had fusarium bud rot before. abstract Bud rot pathogens cause diseases on Cannabis sativa L. (cannabis, hemp)...
  3. Ty Palmer


    How widespread a problem is fusarium in indoor gardens? Isolated cases pop up, but overall is this something that is kept in mind as indoor gardens are built? It is a thought for sure here in NorCal.