
  1. J2M3S

    GMO and Grapes & Cream - Clone Run

    I've got GMO from Mamiko Seeds (Skunkmaster Flex Cut) and Grapes & Cream from Cannarado Genetics (Phinest cut). This is a first for me, but I accidentally jumbled my clones when removing them from their mothers. Over time, I'll organize them into different tents and allow them to flower for at...
  2. H

    GMO also know as Garlic "Cookies"

    Hello I'm making this post to let everyone know what its like growing gmo these are some of my experiences you should know. She's a very lengthy girl so prepare yourselves for the stretch at least 3x the height before flipping to flower and I would advise using trellis netting. Also be aware of...
  3. M

    GMO Auto by Atlas Seeds

    GMO Auto by Atlas Seeds: This plant is 12 days from popping the soil. Plant is doing great. The white stuff is diatomaceous earth for fungal gnats. This breeder claims they breed for machinable harvesting and consistency. 75% of Pheno's are suppose to be purple, we'll see. Has anyone else ran...
  4. S


    So the story starts like this : I learned a lot of what I knew off this site years ago when cultivation was illegal in my state this was 14 years ago fast forward to today My product is in stores and I’m in the big Leagues . But I still like to fuck around so I’ll be showing off some of my gear...
  5. MistaRasta

    Best place to buy clones in the Denver area?

    I’ll be heading to Denver in a couple weeks and am wondering where the best places to buy clones are? im looking for genetic varieties along the lines of: Og Kush (any cut) Gmo Gorilla Glue 4 Chemdog ..Basically anything gassy.. I’d anyone could help me out with a solid suggestion I’d...
  6. H

    GreenGo 1200 Watt LED (Amazon)

    I just moved into my new house, finally, after living in the same shithole apartment for over 10 years. WHICH MEANS I CAN GROW AGAIN FINALLY!!! Things have drastically changed since the last time I was able to grow like I am able to now. I have had my share of closet grows, dealt with the...
  7. Craigson

    Craigsons perpetual no-til SOG

    Started a notil 4x8 bed a few wks ago. Plan is to harvest and relace ~30 clones every few wks. Cover crop is lacking a bit but coming in. Blumats to water. Ordered a soaker hose last wk. Added 150 red wigglers. First 30 are a mic of GMO, GG4, ortega x snowlotus, creme brulee. Have mothers of...
  8. OnePrays

    2 x GMO Garlic Cookies

    Back from a two year grow break. Was moving and getting thing together and most of all getting mentally prepared for it. We all know it can be time consuming. Anyways I’ve got 2 beautiful girls I got from a local friend of mines. I got them about 8-9 days ago can’t remember to well. Medium...
  9. DNAprotection

    Human Rights vs Civil Rights Cultivates into National Security Complications

    Read full more detailed version of this piece here: Civil rights get you to the market, Human rights get you through life. Short (extremely edited) version: In February, 2016, the...
  10. DNAprotection

    Missing GMcannabis Regulations Cultivates into Bio-Threat to National Security The other reason the feds are moving fast on "legalization": Are you the kind of person who takes it seriously when a Director of National Intelligence reports (in his February, 2016...
  11. DNAprotection

    Help write a law to fix a broken time for cannabis and humans...

    Still in draft stage, can you help make this proposed law better? ‘The Freedom to Garden Human Rights Restoration And Natural Seed & Plant DNA Protection Act’ An Act to restore and protect the natural Human Right to grow and use natural seeds and plants for the basic necessities of life...
  12. DNAprotection

    Why no GMO cannabis id process in "legal" states?

    In Colorado, California etc., there is no process in place to require identification and regulation of genetically engineered cannabis. At this point in time you really have no clue, other than the word of the seller, if your cannabis is GMO or not. All other commercial crops are regulated for...
  13. esh dov ets

    cannabis history and what explains the jump in potency

    heres what i know. i will update this thread as i learn more and invite others to do the same. this first post is on another site, as follows, so as to gather and spread more information. Banja (bon-ja) was an early African word for cannabis ganja a direct variation. There was an articular i...
  14. Bangaman

    For all New GrowersOut There

    For all new growers out there, This is the deal with advice in forums. If the post states something as if it were gospel without scientific backup, and just pictures, ignore it. There are more ways than one. Do your research. I have heard folks on here bash Wiki and Academic research papers...