
  1. TXskunkKush

    Pest identification. . .

    Don’t think they’re causing any damage to plants, but I don’t like them. . . Don’t look like fungus gnats or thrips to me
  2. MellowMartian

    Gnat problem, perlite top dressing

    Hey all, I've been having a gnat problem, not too severe but still an issue. I'm growing in coconut coir so I water every day and the gnats seem to love it just as much as my plant.:cuss: I tried sticky traps but they don't seem to work well enough. My question is, if I dress the top of the...
  3. DannyBlaze2

    Have you Have you Ever Had Gnats in the House and Didn't Know Where They Was Coming From?

    I bought my house 2 years ago started a grow right away then found out I had gnats n the house from day one the house was empty and the water in the drain's trap evaporated and the bug come up from the sewer I was blaming the FFOF then second year I still can't get rid of them so my sink and...
  4. thewanderingjack

    cold temps/underlit/generally bad as fuck grow results:

    ok, need to make the journal, but here's something: set up: "Bagseed"... friends mom, local grower, passed, left her the house/grow... unknown strain but all the same. G&B potting soil w Rainbow Mix Grow @ rec dose top dressed with RM Bloom at flower Temps mainly in the 50s-60s in veg (high...