
  1. U

    Before I ask, just know.. this is more of a conversation starter than a question because nobody can tell me why God would allow so much suffering.

    A year and a half ago, my 15 year old son was murdered. Corban was my ride or die.. more than my child, my best friend, the best person I have ever met. Reconfirming what we all already know, "The good die young." So then we are all just left behind in silence with the not good enough group...
  2. bezalom

    A Look into The Future! The Real Deal!

    Here is a thread from another site that I did that involves Zen meditation and increased awareness techniques including Astral Projection, UFO's, Demon's, Religion, etc.( plus some wilderness adventure stories. Hope this helps someone. I'm sorry I won't around to answer any questions...
  3. Just Let Me Be Faded

    Believer's of Jesus Christ: Smoking Cannabis

    I'm writing this for those who believe in Jesus Christ, not for those who will make jokes and do not understand. In today's age we will put almost anything in to our bodies without a second thought (caffeine/over the counter drugs/nicotine). I myself try to avoid these things. I have been...