#growlights #reflectors #doubleendedbulbs

  1. texasdodo59

    Grow light

    When is it a good time to move your grow-light up from the begining of the my grow?....right now I have my light ab 1foot away from my plants...i did have thw light 2 foot away but one started stretching so I moved it down to 1foot..these were planted on the 15th
  2. Straininsane

    Double Ended Bulbs n reflectors

    does anyon have experience with the DE bulbs n reflectors? They have a new model u can air cool but I hear they run really hot still.. my friend said they are way better and produce much more light tho so I’m interested in hearing others opinions on DEs
  3. Straininsane

    Double Ended Bulbs n reflectors

    does anyon have experience with the DE bulbs n reflectors? They have a new model u can air cool but I hear they run really hot still.. my friend said they are way better and produce much more light tho so I’m interested in hearing others opinions on DEs