guerilla growing

  1. U

    Smell travel

    I want to know how far the smell on 5 ILGM yuzu-euphoria-autoflower-seeds. There is around 350 feet seperation between the spot and a house (100 feet of that is thick forest) How far will the smell travel on a average day (not taking into account blooming plant smells, envormental factors...
  2. G

    Drying in an abandoned shed

    hi folks, i am currently thinking about drying my weed in an old abandoned shed in the woods. my plants should be ready for harvest late september / early october. i was wondering if this was even possible and, if so, what are the materials needed? i know i would need a dehumidifier definitely...
  3. Steveo123

    2020 Outdoor Grow Diary

    Hi Guys, I thought I'd put something together on here to track my 2020 grow and hopefully be able to give an end to end journey of all the good, bad and ugly things that happen over the session. Please do comment or advise if you feel there are any errors made or areas that could be done...
  4. T

    Central Maine Urban Guerilla Grow

    Hey RIU , Been gone for Awhile & Got a New Account But I Wanted to create a thread for this year's Urban Guerilla grow I'll be doing here in Central Maine , feel free to follow and if you'd like I'll be posting pics and updates frequently thanks everybody and happy growing ! Best of Luck To Y'all
  5. ontariocashcropper

    Good ontario strains for guerilla growing

    Has any one tried bc big bud from bc seed king Or bc pine warp from bc bud depot Looking for some honest grow reviews
  6. ontariocashcropper

    guerilla grow soil mixes

    any one have any ideas what soil amendments i could add to my soil mix list for this years gorilla grow -promix all purpose -earthwarm castings -cow manure -compost -black earth il be growing in 2 foot by 2 foot holes that are 2 foot deep and il also be using slow release nutes
  7. ontariocashcropper

    ontario guerilla growers

    looking for some help with what soil to use this is my first big guerilla grow with around 100-150 clones i am growing bc pinewarp and a unknown strain that grows pretty good for our weather and short season im looking to grow pretty deecent sized plants in the ground and il be using advanced...
  8. R

    HELP! Growing in Tropical Climate

    Hello, I live in a tropical climate that has perfect temperatures year round for growing outdoors. The problem is that the light cycle is 11 and a half to 13 hours a day. I want to grow guerrilla style. I want to start the seeds inside then transplanting outside into the ground when they are...
  9. B

    What is best for Guerilla growing?

    Hello guys, I have a question. Recently I've been thinking about which is best and I couldn't decide, so I decided to ask you guys. - Is it better to use Black Plastic Grow Bags or plant directly in holes with my own pre-mixed soil? - Isn't it better to grow with Black Plastic Grow Bags...