hash rosin

  1. Cannacreeps

    Which Rosin Press should I buy?

    I'm looking to get a press for myself but don't know which to choose. I don't have a huge budget, but would rather spend money on something quality that will last and meet my future needs. My plan is to start pressing my personal future harvests, from bubble hash, but don't know if I'll want to...
  2. Gtjoker420

    Got my hash room all setup.Im not selling anything!

    Got my cold room all setup and tested. Can get my room to 47F, and my wash vessel on the outside hits 34F!!! It's taken alot of reading, watching videos and just practice to hit this point. did a few test runs with a buddys harvest 5% yield after press on GMO 3.5% yield after press on...
  3. Gtjoker420

    Which Rosin Press to get?

    So I have a small perpetual garden two 3x3 tents. Hoping to pull about a half lb or more every 2 months. I was looking into the Low-Temp 3x5 all in one setup as im in a small apartment and like the fact that its a compact press that can use a 20ton bottlejack. Every video for the low temps looks...