
  1. J

    Plant problem

    Hey guys a couple weeks into veg we have started noticing our babies doing this. Any ideas what it could be? Thank in advance
  2. P

    Do clones ready for harvest faster?

    Hi guys I know its a stupid question. But If I take clones from a 40days old plant and it takes 7 days to root does it mean its ready to harvest them 33 days faster?( for ex. from seed to harvest it takes 110days but If I take clones and it takes 7 days to root 40-7 its 33 so it takes...
  3. J

    can i use my tap water

    hello ive been useing ro for awhile now and its doing my head in can i just use my tap water water tests at about 7.2ph was 369ppm before leaves over night to let clorine gass of but now its at 401ppm?
  4. Kaotic

    How do these girls look lol

    First indoor grow ever but I’ve been thought by my father to grow outdoors and that’s how I learned... anyways.. how do these girls look for my first indoor grow... 2 gallon pots closet grow, 3 weeks into flowering now. FF nutes and kelp/seaweed flowering ff kit open sesame beastie blooms Cha...
  5. WidowShamus

    Converting dry herb vaporizer to extract vaporizer

    High everyone, Was wondering if anyone out here could help me out. I recently purchased a kandypen "convection" vaporizer for dry herb. Is there a way to engineer a homemade conversion kit to allow you to smoke concentrates from it? Any inventors out there.
  6. Brokenmast556

    African man, location, location, location

    A warm hello from my side to all. Let me start of by saying how paranoid I am using a ganj forum. But seeing even ISIS has a twitter account and can't be caught Im sure no copper can track us peaceful folk here. As I've traveled across the globe, mainly the Middle East (roughly 9 years) I've...
  7. C

    Indoor sog with cannabis and fruits

    I have several questions here, so a litte background first. 600 watt light, 22 clones are in red solo cups, 3 weeks old and thriving. I'm transplanting to 2 gallon containers next weekend, waiting a week, then starting flowering. One of the mediocre clones will become my mother, in a separate...
  8. H

    What's wrong with my seedling? (photos attatched)

    So this is my first ever grow. I started off with 5 Dr Krippling Incredible Bulk seedlings now I'm down to 3, 2 of which seem to be doing well besides the fact they cant support themselves without tooth picks however the other one hasnt really grown grown for a few days now (its been about 6...
  9. R

    Chosing a led for Two Plantes with a hydrophonic

    Hello, I want to buy a Led for 2 plants, i will use Hydrophonic. I wish to spend about 170 200 220 dolar something like that. There are some examples i found but i cant compare them there is a huge diference in price between brands in same watt. Do you tell me how can i compare them and...
  10. Kevin McCallister

    Help me design my herb garden

    Ok so I'm working with 133"L × 33"W. 33 SQFT. It's basically a long plot in front of my window. I'm looking for herbs and small plants that won't be a hassle. Any suggestions?