hoop house

  1. SpawnOfVader

    Cabbage worms back with a vengeance....

    Noticed a few more worms on my cabbage and broccoli last night so I NUKED my high tunnel with diatomaceous earth (shot in low level and created a fog everywhere/let it settle naturally...top and bottom of every leaf surface lol. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  2. SpawnOfVader

    Super simple hoop house DIY

    Okay so I planted my raised bed for my fall garden earlier today in a new hoop house. Figured I'd share the design since it's super simple. Needs: If doing raised bed enough 2x4 to make the frame. I did mine 6x10' but going back I wouldn't make it wider than 4' for ease of working. Soil to fill...
  3. SpawnOfVader

    Deprivation Hoop House DIY - Any Resources?

    I recently was offered the chance of a lifetime- 8 acres of sunny land with nice tree cover from the road at my gf's parents house with no money up front. They were debating on starting to grow but have no idea what they're doing and I have a good amount of experience in indoor growing and...