
  1. Bignutes

    How to tell if your place smells of weed

    If your range fan, furnace or bathroom vent are accessible go outside and stick your nose in the exhaust. Growing it inside I lose the ability to smell it, as soon as I go outside and smell the exhaust from the house I get a true sense of what my place smells like. I kinda like it anyways.
  2. K

    House & Garden and Canna

    I'm looking to run some of H&G line, Aqua flakes a+b, shooting powder, root excelurator, bud xl, drip clean and top booster. Are there any alternatives I could use to replace the amino treatment, multi zen and magic green that I'm not using? From Canna or anyone else that's worth running? What...
  3. Soundwave815

    Seeking MMJ Friendly Landlord

    Hi there everyone! Hope you are all staying safe, high, and healthy. I'm currently living in the Dearborn Heights area and I'm looking for a medical (personal use) grow friendly rental! Preferably with a basement. I'm looking in the $1500 range and I'm willing to move in more or less a 35...
  4. HydroNito305

    Just finished sealing up the garage. (Pics)

  5. HydroNito305

    (20x20x8) "2 Car Garage" Any Good Ideas?
