identify strain

  1. A

    2nd opinion identifying plants

    So, I may have mixed up the seeds. I think I have it figured out, but could be nice to have a second opinion. The three strains and their type and flowering time are as follows Malawi x Panama - 100% Sativa hybrid 13-14 week flower Bruce banner - Indica/sativa hybrid 11 week flower Northern...
  2. Bamstradlin

    Need help from experts, what strain could this be? it dropped me 3 seeds

    my friend just gave me one little bud he said he buyed it from a farmer in Oaxaca, Mexico. the weed is so good, good taste, the effect is pretty active and gives you euphoria, taste is sweet, not like candy. any ideas of whats strain could this be i now it is impossible to tell 100% but if...
  3. Greendreams94

    Mistakes were made.

    With all the excitement of my first grow, I forgot to label my strains. This normally wouldnt be a problem but I've recently learnt that 2-3 of my girls are photoperiod unlike my other 6-7 autoflowers. I'm fairly certain I've identified atleast one of the photos but am struggling with...
  4. V

    Please help identifying strain !

    Hey guys I popped a seed into my pot and I'm uncertain about the strain . Please help me to determine the strain. I live in India .