My two sativa plants were growing great minus some leaf hoppers so I used schultz insecticidal soap and now my leafs are burnt/turning black and my buds are browning. Is this the soaps fault or do I have a nutrition problem? Second year growing so fairly new to all of this. Wondering if I can...
I am using Neem oil extract (Azadirachtin 3.2%) and insecticidial soap for the longest time already, but today I did found some info that might interest you if you're also using Neem and/or insecticidal soap for spraying:
* When you use a Neem product as I do, a Neem oil concentrate with 3.2%...
Howdy folks!
I have been spraying my plants this year with BT to prevent those stubborn, useless, pointless, disgusting, shitting, silk worms (bud worms) and caterpillars. Seems to be working pretty well thus far.
Every year around this time in mid to late flower those little bastards start...