isopropyl alcohol

  1. C

    I messed up so mad

    I had a thrip infestation on a big grow so decided to bite the bullet as it was week 3/4 flower and didn’t want to risk applying powder on the leaves or spray anything so put some DE in the base and decided to use some isopropyl and cotton swab. Fast forward a week later and I’ve just noticed...
  2. J

    Stinky Distillate

    Hi everyone, in our kitchen we are making a CBD distillate using a short path distillation system. So far it worked great. We have made it using ethanol and got crystal clear distillate out with nice smell. When we switched to isopropyl alcohol the distillate became darker and stinks at the...
  3. cannetix Inc

    PSA from an ex-wastewater treatment operator - PLEASE don't dump isopropyl alcohol down the drain!

    PSA from an ex-wastewater treatment operator - PLEASE don't dump isopropyl alcohol down the drain! As Cannabis users, many of us may use large amounts of Isopropyl Alcohol to clean our glass, tools, etc. Although it is common to assume that common household chemicals like isopropyl alcohol...
  4. eugeneoregon

    Method to purify extract

    The video has a couple typos. Page one says I used methanol but I used isopropyl alcohol as stated in the audio. I often use methanol for the same thing and prefer it over isopropyl alcohol but I was out when I dewaxed.