
  1. Mariosehr

    Roofers, Roofing Contractors in here! All construction trades welcomed!!

    Curious to know if any Growers are also in the Roofing Trade here??!! Let’s talk about how much more experienced we each are. (Typical roofer/contractor talk) Roofers At least(Joke) All other trades welcomed of course! Hello everyone!
  2. Ceresta

    How do you find you short term labor? I'm working on a solution...

    Hi all, I have been a patient since moving out to CA two years ago, and am now looking to leave my job and get involved in the tech side of the industry. One of the biggest issues I’ve come across is finding short-term labor. I talked to one operation that lost almost an entire indoor harvest...
  3. info.lee


    Hi I am new to the grow industry would like to start a small indoor. there are a TON of threads in the "newbie" forums but I do not learn that way anyone want FREE labor for training? I'm in CA