
  1. Egzoset

    SQdC's CBD, so faint it practically turned into a placebo - while Radio-Canada's title mocks ALL CBD...

    [ https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXq1K7OkRaA&t=139s ] Les aliments contenant du CBD ont-ils de réels bienfaits? – L'épicerie (2021-Oct-21) Do CBD edibles have real benefits? ... Now guess who's behind each SQdC clerk formation (stated @ 2:19 precisely...): « Le docteur Didier Jutras-Aswad...
  2. Egzoset

    The "science" of Trudeau: do you recognize this man??

    Salutations, Here's information which one could wish had been publicly known once exposed via this article's associated video: [ https:// i.postimg.cc/D03jL1Ws/J-P-Chiasson-Canadian-Society-of-Addiction-Medicine-Calgary-Alberta-Marriott-hotel-in-Mtl.png ] [ http://...