low thc

  1. J

    High CBD seeds Australia

    Hi there, any Aussie’s in here know of a high CBD strain with very low THC that I can get seeds for in Australia? And where can I source them from? CG seeds have one but too much THC in it. Thanks.
  2. E

    emergence of very Low thc high CBD legendary strains,what they actually are and where to get seeds?

    Hi everyone, Im from EU and I saw this sudden flow of high cbd , very low thc strains called og kush, bubba and similarly named strains after legendary strains. My question is, was this accomplished with these legendary strains crossed with hemp and backcrossed untill they got stable genetics...
  3. A

    High CBD Low THC

    I'm looking for information about High CBD and Low THC strains and the seed sites that sell them. I have heard of a couple but I don't know who to trust to get the seeds that I want. I recently read about a strain called Valentine X that is supposed to have a 25 to 1 ratio CBD to THC, but cannot...