
  1. Ice5

    Transplant and LST Day

    I'm transplanting 4 Strawberry Coughs and 1 late flower clone from grow cups to 1 gallon fabric pots as well as some Low Stress Training for my other 3 late flower transplanting in to Ocean Forest with some added perlite and worm casting, I will also be using myco supreme mycorrhizal...
  2. mikaroni

    Is it safe to spray neem oil on my soil when top dressing with Mycorrhizals (Mykos and Azos)

    I can't find any real answers on this. I am about to top dress with worm castings, Mykos, Azos, and was planning to spray a bit of neem oil onto the soil surface before top dressing. So... will neem oil be bad to use when using Mykos and Azos? I get mixed answers when searching around.