
  1. xIPhobiaIx

    What water reservoir you use?

    Just got my Octopot system and I need to supply my own reservoir. Was looking at drums, totes, collapsible reservoirs, etc. and am leaning towards a heavy duty black tote that I will paint white on the outside. This is to maintain temps and help prevent algae growth. Before I make the purchase...
  2. xIPhobiaIx

    Help preventing algae in sitting rez

    Just purchased the 3 gallon octopot system for 12 plants. Need to buy my own rez. This rez will sit with nutrients for days at a time maybe even a week and I am concerned about algae growth, etc. It will be a 55-gallon or 60-gallon rez. I have read that rez color helps such as black allows less...