old seeds

  1. Kami Samurai

    Oldest seeds you’ve popped & how?

    Hello everybody, I have a question about germinating old seeds. (11 & 6 year old seeds). Questions actually... What is your oldest successful germination? How were you able to accomplish this, and what method did you follow? I’m aware of most methods to do this but not a lot of people speaking...
  2. Boreal Curing

    Boreal SuperGerm - For Old and Stubborn Seeds

    Boreal SuperGerm contains growth hormones that plants normally create in very low concentrations. An exacting mix of Gibberellins, Alpha Amylase (AA), Abscisic Acid (ABA) and vitamins penetrate seed to overcome seed dormancy and kick start germination. 14 Year Old Seed Germination...
  3. C

    Germinate old seeds

    Hi there, I am new grower whos just getting started and i have some old seeds that i am trying to get to germinate, but unfortunately i have not had much luck. Right now i have one seed i planted directly in moist soil (I used Fox Farm Ocean Forest) about 1cm deep and I keep the temp to about...
  4. edsthreads

    Growing 9 year old bag seed

    Have just set up again after a 5 year hiatus and have successfully germ’d 3 out of 4 seeds that I’ve had in the fridge since 2011. If my addled memory serves me right they will either be AK-47, White Widow or Cheese. They’re currently under a Mars Hydro 300 (150w) until my Mars TS1000 turns up...
  5. bamboofarmer

    TGA Third Dimension duds?

    Up until now, (mainly due to paranoia of ordering seeds online) I have only tried germinating my own fresh seeds which were produced on my first grow from bagseed, and have had nearly 100% germ success in my short history of growing. (They usually pop in 24-48 hours) I finally took the plunge...
  6. esh dov ets

    bean sprout extract to help germination

    hi. read in a couple threads that using water from bean sprouts can aid in germination because it contains every thing a ganja seed needs to sprout. may help with old seeds and raise germination rate. You out there farmer? I'm wondering the best way to do this; take the bean soke water or soak...
  7. D

    old seeds?

    hi friends, got my order yesterday and put two of the seeds into germination today. when opening the packaging i noticed that there is a date stamped on it - it was April 2013. three years old seeds sounds old to me. is this common and considered normal to receive seeds this old? thanks, david
  8. T


    Ok so last year i grew a few autos outside, and they did really well mean as i planted them late. they were btw HERBIES FAST N VAST AUTO:leaf: & SENSI SEEDS SENSI SKUNK:leaf:. i managed 2oz off each plant in okkk conditions. This summer i want to find a strain(s) that you can leave to fend...
  9. A

    How long do you wait for old seeds to sprout

    Hi, I've got a bunch of old seeds (4-8 years old) that I'm trying to work with. I took 10 and soaked them in water for 24 hours then dropped them in the coco. After 4 days 2 popped up, but nothing for the rest (it's been 8 days now). Would you guys give up by now? Anybody else working with very...