Hi there, I’m very new at this. I grew these Northern Lights Feminized Auto flowering from seed and they’ve been doing great. This week the lower leaves are yellowing how can I save them? They’re about 7 weeks old.
Little confused on why the leaves are warping like this. The last 2 nodes show the pinch from the fem! Please shoot me some advise on this plant! Thank you In advance!
Hi guys,
first time grower here... I’m growing 2 plants in my first grow, both having issues, but different. Check my other threads for my other plant, but here’s the issue with this one:
The leaves are looking droopy and some slightly twisted - brown tips on them, as well as on sugar leaves...
Hi all,
New member, the forum looks amazing. I have been lurking for a while looking at photos of under/over watering and while my soil seems dry I can't help but think this is overwatering. I have attached 2 photos of the same plant but this issue is currently on-going with another 2.
Am I...
I'll start off by saying - I suspect I was watering too often. But since the issue is now presenting itself on the lower-most leaves, as if N levels aren't right. But I've read that overwatering will cause this as well. And since both plants are showing it, it must be a common problem that...
Plant been like this for a over a week. First it looked like over watering but I let the soil dry out and it still hasnt perked up. Maybe ph issue? But I don't see any nutrient lock up or issues like that so I'm kind of perplexed. Help. I'm watering everything with a tea later today to try and fix.
This is my first post on this forum so I'm assuming this goes in this section, but sorry if it belongs somewhere else.
I'll try to give as many helpful details as I can while leaving out the unnecessary stuff. This is the first time I've grown in 15 years and the first time I grew it was super...
Hello All. My name is Patrick and I am a first time grower. Cancer led me to RSO which eventually led me to want to make my own medicine. I plan on starting a new thread of my grow here due to the amazing advice I've received from reading posts here =) But I need advice now!
A couple days ago I...
I obviously committed a crime. I was attempting to bring the ph up on my plants I bought some crystallized ph up which I didn’t realize was for hydroponic only ♂️.(I was panicking to get something in there and my normal supplier was going to be closed for the next few days) I’m not sure if this...
Looking for a little help on this issue. I'm having trouble making my mind up on it... Should I flush it or just let it mostly dry out? Leaves are dark and shiny. Some curl the whole leave, some just the tips. Soil is a lil funky. It's mostly coco but was running out and had to add some cheap...
I have 3 female clones I got from the dispensary and they seemed to be doing fine up until the past couple days where one of them had been drooping a lot and noticed some decoloration. I'm not sure what to do I've been very careful to not over or underwater but I'm still stumped on why my plants...
Recently around day 32 of veg I water the shit out of my plant. Due to poor drainage my baby got over saturated. I have not watered now for 5 days. Yes I am a bit of a newbie with some old experience that can sometimes get in the way more than help. The major problem I had from over watering was...
hey I think I've been overwatering my bag seed plant. Leaves have been heavy and droopy and then started to yellow. Been waiting for soil to dry between watering. Now 3 days after a light watering I see this!! Soil was dry and looked like possible wilting. So what I did now was pull it from the...
I know Ive had a over watering issue so I dried them out for a little until almost fully dry and then watered them after. Im probably watering them every three or four days. Im about 2 weeks from sprout but it looks like the leafs are still curling under. Im kinda stuck, please help.
i am growing an auto in 10 Gal pot, 4 of them are in one pot, starting getting problems due to over watering, i didnt give any nutes yet, lights are 250 MH 20 inch away and 300 watts CFL 5 inches away temps are 75-80, once i discovered that im over watering 1 week ago, i have stopped watering...
Hello all
I have been trying to diagnose an issue that I am having with my WaterFarm hydroponic setup. This was originally posted in the Hydro section until I realized there was a separate Problem section. Original thread can be found here...
Hi there again, I have learned a lot thanks to this forums, and the help of you guys, but every time I grow new strains I learn something new.
I have been growing these girls for 8 weeks, the three at the back are Auto Magnum from Buddha seeds, they have been looking not really good from the...
I have two different strains both bought from the same dispensary. 6 plants per strain. They were both bought and put under my lights on the 17th of September. I put them into 4 inch pots with Fox Farm Ocean Forest. I know that is a little hot but since they were almost a month old already...