
  1. C

    Transplanted from Root Riot --> Solo Cups and my babies look sick

    This Blue Dream is 10 days old. I germinated in root riot in a dome and she was looking very healthy. On day 8, I moved her into the solo cup with Happy Frog soil once I saw roots popping out of the root riot in all directions. Yesterday (Day after transplant) she was a bit droopy. I...
  2. G

    Alright. Where am I going wrong. 5 Weeks in and it's time to ask.

    I think I may be overwatering. Heavy pots, every 2-3 day water cycle, super moist and cold about 3 inches- down. Yellowing mushy and curling sides of newer leaves.
  3. Novicegrowernz

    Possible overwatering I need help asap leaves are yellowing

    I have 4 plants that I'm growing and 3 of them the Dos-si-dos33 Amnesia Gorilla skittles About 2 days ago I had to water them and now the coco coir is soaked and the leaves only have a tinge of yellow and still look healthy at the moment but slight drooping of outer leaves. They are 17cm high...
  4. C

    Seedling help! Wrinkled skinny leafs

    Seeds were started in happy frog in 72 cell trays. Had stretching problems so I repotted into solo cups. Have been using plain water. Is this burn or a watering issue? Thanks in advance.