
  1. johnypothead

    How Do I Upload Pics On Here!?!?

    i see the url link thing so does that mean i have to find a site to upload it on then i upload it on here by the link idk kinda new to this sorry guys
  2. Green Light District

    Ganja & Fitness - Before, After or Both

    I find that getting high before my workout prevents me from working out optimally. Either I lose focus, or compromise form, don't push as hard as I should, etc. For this reason I only get high post workout and I find it's the perfect post workout routine for rest, recovery and diet (for me at...
  3. veni vidi vici

    Small time lurker, first time poster(Noob)

    Hello everyone, brand new guy here still learning to navigate and find my way around. I have came to these forums and lurked around hundreds of times over the last year and have learned so much. I have never been part of a forum before, but I thought I would give it a shot. I got into growing...
  4. Kaydoo

    Just want to do a Grow Journal :D

    I thought I met the conditions, but can someone enlighten me on what I need to do :) Please and Thank you! :D