
  1. MicroGrowerTim


    Hello there my fellow growes I am very excited to say that I am starting my very first grow. For a lot of reasons it must be a PC micro grow. I am currently germinating one WHIDAK 47 (AK 47 X WHITE WHIDOW) seed with the paper tower method and awayting other seeds to arrive. And I am now...
  2. S

    What size pots

    Hey guys hope y’all are puffin while wrapping, What size gallon pots do you use ? I have heard from 3 gal to 15 gal pots . And get asked if I’m gonna grow oak in 10 an 15 gal . Your ideas? I am sure veg is gal size pots
  3. Rainbow Warrior

    Pots for pot

    Hi everyone out there in the far flung corners of the known and unknown quarters of the universe! Up to now I’ve been an outdoor grower, but I want to give Indoor growing a try. As I’ve been growing straight into Soil, I’m not sure about correct sizing / shapes of pots Planning on growing a...