
  1. SpawnOfVader

    Remote monitoring - DIY (soon to be home assistant controlled)

    Just got the first phase of my grow automation/remote monitoring up and I figured I'd share a review of the products used so far/start a live journal of the project: Already in place: Controller (mid setup): Raspberry Pi 4 B - Home assistant loaded Remote Monitoring (in place): Ecowitt GW1000...
  2. DeMoNeye

    Remote webcam monitoring test!

    Hi If anyone has a spare minute or two, could you help me by checking if my remote live webcam is streaming OK! Jump to this address; Login with; Login - rollitup Password - rollitup I'll only leave it open with those passwords for a few hours - feed back...
  3. ruralgirlz

    Kind XL750 LED newbie w/LED.. needing help with settings please

    I have a Kind XL750 LED light, just started using it for the first round this week. I love it...I set up the remote/paired it, seems to work great. Here's the problem... I used the remote to set up the auto run from the mode button, not realizing the light strength lessens when I do that, I...