russet mite

  1. Blackketch

    Eggs or trichomes?

    Good evening, inspecting my plants with the microscope I noticed these little things. Searching online I found the community splits in two between those who claim they are eggs and those who say they are glandular trichomes or Capitate Sessile Trichomes instead. What do you guys think? The...
  2. V

    Successful Russet Mite Treatment

    I wanted to share how I completely killed off russet mites from my rooms since there’s really nothing solid on the internet with many people suggesting to throw away the plants and start over. I had a buddy that used a similar treatment and was successful in getting rid of those fuckers and I am...
  3. Jimmy Verde

    How do u take care of mites... hmmmmmmm

    Howdy yall just got over to one my lesss tended ops noticed got a bug issue not a hundred percent sure but looking like russets go me classic taco of leaves drying up and there a rather clear or tan looking mite.. Any who was wondering if anyone sprays essential oils or anything home made to rid...
  4. N

    Russet mites? I hope not please help?

    The stem on this plant caught my eye while I was watering in my ghouse today. All the plants appear to be healthy, but this one has got me worried. If anybody can offer their opinion as to whether this is russets or not I would greatly appreciate it. The paranoia of getting them is at an all...
  5. Allan421

    A couple questions about Russet Mites...

    Like many others I first mistook the russet mite damage as a pH, nute, virus, or soil problem. I had it narrowed down to a boron deficiency. Nope. Hemp Russet Mites. For sure. No doubt. Saw them crawling and the smooth eggs, not the dotted ones like the Broad Mites lay. I have spent the...