
  1. hanimmal

    Tulsi Gabbard Triggered By Clinton.

    So Russian Trolls have been pushing Tulsi Gabbard hard around the internet trying to make her a viable candidate for the Bernie fans of 2016 who are already sold against the Democrats from all of the propaganda that they pushed for Bernie in an effort to hurt Hillary Clinton's campaign as well...
  2. Jack Kilgore

    Outdoor Autos - Critical Purp x3

    Who will be growing Autos this Fall season? For newbies, Autos harvest in about 10 to 12 weeks from seed to soul and do so based on time, not daylength. Autos are Sativas or Indicas crossed with Russian Ruderalis plants, which can grow near the arctic circle and survive well in Siberian...
  3. Marc Alcain

    Trascendental music

    This piece is magical and if you listen closely and pay attention, it can take you further in the mind to places only reserved for you.
  4. Justin-case

    Russian ambassador shot

    What the hell, on the day electors are voting, coincidence?
  5. Uberknot

    Trump Campaign Busted!!! Latest shake up attempt to Cover up!

    Trump advisers waged covert influence campaign By JEFF HORWITZ and CHAD DAY Aug. 18, 2016 9:32 PM EDT WASHINGTON (AP) — A firm run by Donald Trump's campaign chairman directly orchestrated a covert Washington lobbying operation on behalf of Ukraine's ruling political party, attempting to...