spots on leaves

  1. Blackketch

    Help!!! Strange spots and discoloration on the leaves

    Hi guys, today while checking the girls I noticed these marks in one of the leaves and I can't explain what they are from. In about two days I have to transplant them into prefertilized soil, so far I just gave them some rooting agent. Water pH:6,5 RO water (i think that could be a problem...
  2. H

    7th week Flowering plant deficiency/ excess?

    OK so I'm in my 7th week of flower and my chemdawg isn't doing as well as my LSD strain. It's either withing or drooping and has dark green leaves. And one leaf has these tiny spots. Can anyone help me figure this out? One thing though, my lights are high bc my LSD is 5 feet tall and my Chemdawg...
  3. W

    Two Plants, Both Sick... Please Help

    I have 2 plants that are showing two different signs of serious problems. They are both Aurora Borealis Autos in their 6th week of flower They are in Fox farms Happy frog soil. I've been using Build a soil, craft blend, build a flower, build a bloom, worm castings and organic molasses. I use a...