
  1. TripleCCCannabis

    Do you prefer air stone or sprayers in your systems?

    So I’ve only really tried the sprayers a handful of times but was told air stones would be similar. I’ve heard that the success rate goes down with the air stones but I don’t know from experience.
  2. Armyofsprout

    What kind of tool do you use to water your plants?

    As we all know watering a lot of plants can put strain on your body and back especially with a lot of bending over etc etc. so for all you indoor soil/coco growers, what do you use to make watering easier for you. list any particular watering cans or methods you use that you may think is...
  3. M

    Possible burn from superthrive foliage spray.

    What's up guys! Ok,last night,I used some foliage spray from superthrive, I sprayed about 5 hours before lights went off... went back to check today and it's looking like it may have burned them,just look to find out if that is what it is and possible remedies to fix it. It doesnt look bad now...
  4. UpstateGarden

    In hydro

    What happens if the roots outgrow the net pot?
  5. Eltomcat

    what is a good sprayer or atomizer?

    Did a quick search, didn't find much. If any of you know of any let me know please and thanks! Trying to find something cheap but that will get stuff mixed good.