tga subcool

  1. DurumGallico

    Amateur breeding project

    Hello everyone I started growing weed years ago, but i had to stop everything for different reasons. Now i' m back and i can grow as big as i want, with only two issues : high humidity and not enough air recycling. I'm currently growing with 1800w on 3m2. Boys and girls are doing good despite...
  2. freewanderer04

    Conspiracy Kush by TGA (Heroes of the Farm)

    I ran 4 Conspiracy Kush plants by the TGA affiliate Heroes of the Farm. Conspiracy Kush is a cross between Obama Kush and Space Queen. Ended up with 2 females and 2 males. Plants were started under a CFL, placed outside for veg, then brought back in for flowering. The males were culled when...
  3. K

    TGA SUBCOOL SEEDS Jack Skellington is a MALE! Why?

    So I grew this Jack Skellington from seed from TGA Subcool, i haven't even put the plant into flower yet it's still on 18/6 and yesterday I noticed these male balls on the plant. I was wondering what are the odds of TGA seeds going male before you even put them into flower I always thought that...