Other than a ratings grab by NBC.
ABC had Biden scheduled and NBC rewards Trump with the same time slot? Wouldn't common sense indicate NBC putting Trump on the following hour?
Trump bailed from the debates, he shouldn't get a competing time slot. Everybody would like to see both to watch...
dodgers and braves game is also on
i'll wait for the made for tv movie
the lyin' king
tonight at 8
what's on the science channel?
you can't steal a landslide
Or a few days later if they still have mail in ballots to count?
So let's review the 21st century to date, stats from Wikopedia. I believe the vote numbers look accurate, not sure about turn out % on top of each. (I think I've see different turnout percentages elsewhere maybe.)
So the...
$750 a year in taxes
covid superspreader
no sneaking in the back door this time
racist loser
somebody's going to lose
the lyin' king
trump sucks and it shows in the polls
you're fired