tropical growing

  1. R

    Choosing the best strain for a Tropical Climate ( Other Advice is welcomed and appreciated!)

    Hi, I'm new to cannabis industry and looking to begin growing medical cannabis, as such I was hoping if you would help me decide the best strains/seeds to begin with. Some information that might help you help me are : My Location: I live on the beautiful Island of St.Vincent and the...
  2. C

    Never planted outdoors in tropic weather, need help.

    So I have only ever planted indoors, but hesitated outdoors for several reasons. 1. It's extremely hot outdoors @35C with shade , @41C in direct sunlight. 2. It's super humid, can be 41C and then starts pouring rain, feels like it's too harsh to even begin with 3. I have no idea how to start...
  3. Earthtoshell

    Hawaii growers....

    hey guys,I'm in Maui I have 9 plants currently in like 4 gallon pots.. they are a decent size, we wanna know when is the latest to let them stay out outside ( currently we bring them in to veg overnight) so whats the latest we can get them out to flower for the long season? Second shot is of...
  4. T

    BigIsland DIY Greenhouse.

    I had a long ass paragraph introducing myself and giving some of my background but I somehow deleted it! Smh. Fuck! So this is gonna be much shorter. How's it goin everyone? I've recently moved back to Hawaii and live on the Hilo/Puna side of the big island. I've been reading and doing some...
  5. R

    HELP! Growing in Tropical Climate

    Hello, I live in a tropical climate that has perfect temperatures year round for growing outdoors. The problem is that the light cycle is 11 and a half to 13 hours a day. I want to grow guerrilla style. I want to start the seeds inside then transplanting outside into the ground when they are...