
  1. T.C. Bosby

    Clones of Clones - Loss of Vigor?

    I'm trying to determine whether or not to keep a mother plant, or just to take clones of clones. I've read arguments saying that clones will lose vigor over time if taken from clones, while others say there won't be any issues. Not having to keep a mother plant would free up additional space for...
  2. Doogan

    Proteins & Triacontanol !

    I have been doing research on the use of various proteins. Some interesting information that I found I posted below. I have read about using "milk" in a diluted feeding but can see some issues there. A grower explained the used of bacterial levels within a "soil" medium topped with dung/cow...
  3. K


    Hey guys, I have a few concerns about this strain in particular and i hope some of the pros here can give me some advise. Im thinking on buying some ak47 seeds but i've noticed that the original seeds from serious seeds are F1 Hybrids... I don't know much about breeding, but for what i've read...