water quality

  1. D

    RODI / Water

    Hey all, I'm not a complete newbie but still have only a few grows under my belt. I recently bought a home that is under a private well. I have an aquatic life RODI system. My question is, is this really needed? Is there more benefit to well water then with municipal water? I have read that...
  2. H

    Initial well water quality

    I have some questions/concerns with my well water quality. I think it’s a bit harsh for hydro but RO isn’t an option at the moment. Have the potential to set up a rain barrel down the road like next spring lol. So my well water is about all I have to use results: Hardness - 336ppm EC - 0.93ms...
  3. N

    Hard water area who’s got a good way of dealing with it?

    Hi so my tap water is 400ppm I’ve been using a zero water filter to bring down my ppm to 200 but the ph of the zero water is 2.4, this completely throws my ph off so I’m finding myself using a load of ph up Which then throws off my ideal ppm. Any suggestions? When I first got the filter I never...