
  1. D

    Web found in main cola

    Web found in main cola only. are these from spider mites ?
  2. patecatl

    Web in worm farm

    There seems to be a web in my work farm. I put recently paper towels and banana peels along with avocado peels and there seems to be a web connecting them. Is this normal or should I be concerned?
  3. malester

    I discovered bugs!!! :(

    So I discovered some tiny bugs that create a dense web around the tops. This plant is a mother of clones I took which are all in flowering stage now, had this mother off to the side a bit however did notice a couple of these bugs on another plant but no where near as bad. Also a strange white...
  4. B

    1 week from Harvest bad Spider mite/unknown infetion

    Hi, so i did a lot of research, but all 100 posts about this didn't cover the core questions i had about my problem, so here i am with more specifics. I have bad infestation of spider mites, and i am one week away from harvest, at this point practicly all my fan leafs where yellow and...