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  1. tyler.durden

    Why I am so awesome...

    Music Lessons Were the Best Thing Your Parents Ever Did for You, According to Science By Tom Barnes February 17, 2015 If your parents ever submitted you to regular music lessons as a kid, you probably got in a fight with them once or twice about it. Maybe you didn't want to go; maybe you...
  2. tyler.durden

    Cant get my bung fully cleaned!!!!

    So t this great bung, ive had it for my entire life and it has been great I clean it regularly, underwear changing a few times a week And iso + salt wash it every 1-2 weeks, depending how much i have been pooping So it used to be beautifully crystal clear and i could see through my gaping...
  3. tyler.durden

    Manic Mondays!

    Let's be honest, Mondays suck ass. You probably got less than optimal sleep the prior weekend, and the party/rec time is over. You've got to wake up early, fight traffic, grab something to eat, spend the day with fuckers you wouldn't voluntarily hang with, drink coffee, attend meetings, blah...