
  1. Dirt_McGirrt

    Am I doing the things correctly?

    I dove balls deep into growing my own and extracting my own medicine. Been reading around here and future4200 for months. If anyone has any tips or if there's something I'm missing, it'd be greatly appreciated because I've pretty much exhausted what I can find. Equipment: 1.5" closed column...
  2. K

    Winterizing oil at -80 degrees C (-112F) ... better or worse?

    Hi, I have access to a freezer that goes down to -80 degrees C (-112 degrees F) My question is: will this be better or overkill for winterization compared to higher temperatures like -25 degrees C (-13F)? I had heard that I could lose the cannabinoids at this low temperature, they might also...
  3. T

    Winterization of BHO with denatured ethanol

    Hello, Apologies if this question has been answered elsewhere, but I have been searching for an answer for days with not much luck. The background: I have just started making my own BHO. I am happy with the resulting shatter so far, but am looking to increase potency and purity, possibly in...
  4. T

    Vaccum pump spit oil in my chamber-bho

    Im pretty new to this site but still i need help. Ive been making bho for a few years now and have always had pretty good success. This morning i came downstairs to check my vac chamber everything was fine come back not evem 30 minutes later to find my slab covered in oil from my pump and my...
  5. 7

    winterize fail

    so i just made some wax the other day,(with mx12x) after the process i was ready to winterize i used approx 20gs of dab. after winterize process 48 hrs i am vac purging and it is doing this any suggestions ?im running at 104 F in the vac.. is it just to thick ?? im lost?
  6. C

    Why won't my dewaxed bho slabs stabilize?

    I am running a close loop extractor w/ a dewax chamber and 8 micron filter. My slabs will not stabilize even when left in the oven for weeks at low temp 85f up to 125f. There shouldn't be a need to go any hotter in a vac oven. I maintain temps during extraction well below 100f and pressure no...