Newbie - 2nd grow - Few questions - 4 weeks old - Please help :)!

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- FF Ocean Forest soil - FF Trio Pack nutes
- 18/6 Light cycle - 68-78Degree F. - 40% humidity
Questions - 1) How is she doing for 4 weeks and healthy?
2) Whats up with the red stems on top of fan leaves but green on the bottom?
3) Any suggestions of how to drop / prune? or should i just let the little beast go all on her own? thank you and please help :D!!!


Well-Known Member
Lookin good I would let it grow up a bit and clone some of those bottoms if you're pretty sure its a girl, get them out of the way I hate watering around them they're annoying....what strain?


Well-Known Member
Nope. could be craving a little Mg looks like the bottom fans purpled a bit but I'm not familiar with your growth looks good though looks like that thing is about to take off proper.
Fox Farm Big Bloom, Grow Big, and Extra Strength Fertilizer are my nutrients. Should i foliage feed also? or leave that go?


Well-Known Member
1) How is she doing for 4 weeks and healthy?
2) Whats up with the red stems on top of fan leaves but green on the bottom?
3) Any suggestions of how to drop / prune? or should i just let the little beast go all on her own? thank you and please help :D!!!
1) Very nice, can't ask for more than that.
2) Red stems. Meh. You don't have red stems.
3) Pruning - Now would be prime time to top in my opinion. Everything depends on your objectives and what you are aiming for as far as size.

Nice plant, kudos.
thank you, but do you see the discoloration on the stems of the fan leaves? Is that nothing to worry about?
Also with pruning, any suggestions? I know about topping but anything else? As of objectives, i am just trying to soak up as much info as my baby grows and just learn. I'm not sure what to expect, as this is my 2nd grow.Nor do i have expectations other than enjoying the fruit of my labor at the end :)


Well-Known Member
relax....looks fine, pinch that top if ya want....I am officially thirding that opinion....keep up the good work!
alright, and i'm very curious. What if i add a 150w MH with the 150 HPS? will that increase growth even more? Is this a stupid question, only because i know more light the better, but would that be considered duel spectrum?


Well-Known Member
alright, and i'm very curious. What if i add a 150w MH with the 150 HPS? will that increase growth even more? Is this a stupid question, only because i know more light the better, but would that be considered duel spectrum?
Hell no it's not a stupid question.

Yes, do it.... as long as you can manage heat.

I would consider it dual spectrum. I think the term broad spectrum makes more sense. You are providing light across more of the spectrum.


Well-Known Member
transplant when it gets root if you get to the point of watering every day and its obvious it needs more in the morning lol Ive seen 4 footers out of a 3 gal smart got a minute before you need to transplant imho.


Well-Known Member
and also, it is in a 1 gallons Smart Pot, when should i transplant, and to what size gallon container? 3 or 5?
A decent rule of thumb is to transplant when your leaf spread equals or exceeds your pot diameter. I like to let leaves get beyond the pot rim by a couple days.

Container size is your call, depends on what ultimate size you are shooting for.
Okay, and have any of you guys ever experimented with Smart Pots? Because i am iffy on how to transplant them. Also, can i purchase and use more Nutes if i want? I would like to start experimenting with foliage feeding, and do you guys have any experience with that? And if so what nutes? or are the ones i have perfectly fine? Sorry for all of these questions, i really enjoy learning from other growers and their personal opinions.