The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Lads, I fell off the wagon completely haha gf said "go on have the one" next thing I know JD n coke followed with house party n one hours of broken sleep then str8 to work...fuck my life im still in bits haha

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Hey buddy. Must be living in a parallel universe or something. Spent most of the day cleaning and keeping the kids out of trouble. Had just gotten used to the idea of no smoke till planty done when my nephew called around and left enough for a few. I was soo gratefull. I like your plan for next year ae86.

karma ghostdog.....;) you live right you get the rewards..hahahaha...

how goes all in your grow? or you got much more into it yet?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Lads, I fell off the wagon completely haha gf said "go on have the one" next thing I know JD n coke followed with house party n one hours of broken sleep then str8 to work...fuck my life im still in bits haha

r3, you got no kids? why not then.. lad your life changes so much once the little ones arrive (and they will) that you`d be mad not to have a laugh while you can, i can tell you i regret nothing, had a blast from the start, took copeious amounts of all types of drugs, mushies, e`s, whizz anything.... went to mad partys, crap ones, silly ones, but i was there...;)

kids came along, so i gave up the lot bar the smoke... not that lifes over when the little ones arrive but that part of your life will be...(if you have any sence)...


Well-Known Member
r3, you got no kids? why not then.. lad your life changes so much once the little ones arrive (and they will) that you`d be mad not to have a laugh while you can, i can tell you i regret nothing, had a blast from the start, took copeious amounts of all types of drugs, mushies, e`s, whizz anything.... went to mad partys, crap ones, silly ones, but i was there...;)

kids came along, so i gave up the lot bar the smoke... not that lifes over when the little ones arrive but that part of your life will be...(if you have any sence)...

u just described my life spot on m8 lol

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
hahahahhaha... simpatico my friend...

while i`m on has anyone ever used lime torrents? found a copy of the moshi movie on there but theres no comments or downloads of it, and was on tpb earlier and was simply looking at a file, clicked to read comments and some downloader started downloading.. lucky i got to cancel befor it was even started but should my net have been faster at the time it could have been anything.. got me slightly erked to download from there...


Well-Known Member
hahahahhaha... simpatico my friend...

while i`m on has anyone ever used lime torrents? found a copy of the moshi movie on there but theres no comments or downloads of it, and was on tpb earlier and was simply looking at a file, clicked to read comments and some downloader started downloading.. lucky i got to cancel befor it was even started but should my net have been faster at the time it could have been anything.. got me slightly erked to download from there...
Morning. Most of the torrents in that list are compressed .rar files which can be a bit dodge.(Unusuall to compress movies unless you hiding stuff in the files or you have to get a password.) The newest one asks you to download a codec. Dodgy again. Stay clear for now.


Well-Known Member
r3, you got no kids? why not then.. lad your life changes so much once the little ones arrive (and they will) that you`d be mad not to have a laugh while you can, i can tell you i regret nothing, had a blast from the start, took copeious amounts of all types of drugs, mushies, e`s, whizz anything.... went to mad partys, crap ones, silly ones, but i was there...;)

kids came along, so i gave up the lot bar the smoke... not that lifes over when the little ones arrive but that part of your life will be...(if you have any sence)...
out of choice buddy haha i can barley take care of myself not to mind a kid haha i dont drink cuz i dont stop once i do n im guaranteed to go on class as (gf loses the plot) which i also cant stop lol last time i drank i went on a speed bender n ended up in hospital haha im the kinda guy that stays up after everyone still doing lines lol.

Going to foliar feed my gals a lil earth juice Verde fire grow (organic) once lights go out.


Well-Known Member
Morning. Most of the torrents in that list are compressed .rar files which can be a bit dodge.(Unusuall to compress movies unless you hiding stuff in the files or you have to get a password.) The newest one asks you to download a codec. Dodgy again. Stay clear for now.
id tend to agree with him here buddy, stick with utorrent is by far the safest but truth be told U can change to file format if U really wanted to fuck with someone.


Well-Known Member
On kids...remember my friend saying that her life didnt begin till she had kids. Didnt have a clue what she meant till I had my own. Planty is doing grand....I think. I will post some picts tomorrow. Been reading, reading, reading mainly. It can be information overload sometimes. How is everyone else's baby's coming along?


Well-Known Member
Awesome mate, gonna give em their first feed since I reported but only a mild foliar. My DOG has a lime green colour to it (think its the strain) og kush is a fucking beast n out of my 3 deep blue x liver the last one potted (germed in soil like zeddd suggested) is out performing the others even though she's the one in the reg pot (airpots work best for long veg periods) so id say from now on imma just throw the seeds into soil.


Well-Known Member
out of choice buddy haha i can barley take care of myself not to mind a kid haha i dont drink cuz i dont stop once i do n im guaranteed to go on class as (gf loses the plot) which i also cant stop lol last time i drank i went on a speed bender n ended up in hospital haha im the kinda guy that stays up after everyone still doing lines lol.

Going to foliar feed my gals a lil earth juice Verde fire grow (organic) once lights go out.
Been there too m8. Managed to pull up from the nose dive and get help. 2 years sober and NEVER been happier. You sound like you have a good head on your shoulders dude.
You having much success with the earth juice? How is the leaking front door going by the way?


Well-Known Member
Im just 2 fucking impulsive for my own good buddy.i was sober for over a year! Till fucking new years...could murder a drink but im in the dog house still so that keeps me from acting out n ill buy some smoke today to keep me cool...ur right with being happier when sober I felt amazing all the time bow I still feel rough haha. I'll let U know after today haha I ordered it at the start when I wanted to go the organics route but being the lazt fuck that I am I decided to go Chem all the way so to use up the bottle ill use it for foliar. Doors still leaking lol landlord keeps putting it off the wanker, last year the boiler broke n it took the best part of 3 weeks for him to sort it... Was pretty cold haha


Well-Known Member
Yep. Best to keep the head down when in a dog house. Fecking landlords. Mine due today to sort roof. Finally. Last house I was in had a messed up boiler. Gave up on the landlord and went down the diy route. Thanks youtube.;-)


Well-Known Member
I'll gladly keep it down mate haha he's an arse bandit of a landlord mate but he lives up the country so I never need to worry about him dropping by out of the blue. Im not that handy haha im the kinda guy that goes to make the bed n the house burns down.

Edit: when I mix the Verde the ph sits at 6.6 for a few seconds then gradually drops to 6.1..hooe its ok, erra ill soon find out haha


Well-Known Member
I use a Hanna ph pen (the red one) n it does what it says, I also won a cheap TSD ppm temp pen at auction on eBay for like 10 euro but tbh I don't really need it or use it, tested my tap water once n I remember it being great (I know alot of ppl in Ireland get white for tap water but mines great, ph is 7.0-7.1 out the tap n I THINK the tds was below 60 (I remember it being below 80.keep an eye on eBay auction for those things i often see blue lab ph one going up n all.


Well-Known Member
The Hanna I have is going for like 25 euro so its pretty cheap n its .1 acc so its great! Also saw the black one (79 euro) at auction going for 5 euro!! With one bid!