Is anyone out there paranoid?


Well-Known Member
Rollitup doesn't pay you do they?
not in currency.. the lounge here is nice as heck tho.. all the coffee and bagels we can eat.. we get percs like every 5th tuesday clowns show up and turn balloons into different animals.. Saturdays the bar is half price.. but still too pricey for me..


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm paranoid as fuck! Why'd you start this thread? What do you know? Tell me everything right fucking NOW!


Well-Known Member
i was paranoid once; but then i got high and forgot what i was paranoid about. i still can't remember; maybe cause i've been high ever since.


Well-Known Member
What kind of paranoid are we talking here? Like I smoked some ganja and got nervous about the plant in the other room? Like shut all the curtains someones looking or grab the tinfoil hat its the gubnent watching? Are you itchy, picking at scabs, scratching your palms while gnawing your jaw and pacing?


Active Member
I've found that paranoia is helping me keep track of all the fuckers that are trying to "get" me.


Well-Known Member
I want to be paranoid but i just can't do it !
I try and try but to no avail.
help me with my problem


Well-Known Member
Hey mr sunshine i pm you tha other night but for the life of me i don't know what i were referring to
sorry bout that !!!


Well-Known Member
I could give y'all some suggestions on how to get paranoid for real -- but then, is it paranoia if they really ARE out to get you?

OP ... You're not the guy I was talking about getting "jacked." Supposedly someone pulled a home invasion on a grower in St. Paul -- only problem is they didn't take anything, not the drying buds, not the curing bugs, just some money up in a room, and a couple video games, and a 1/4 ... After walking past the grow.


Well-Known Member
Did neither end up finding his shit stained dildo ?
cause i'm paranoid he sent it my way !!!
And i think i found it !
You feed it to my dog , she's trying to shit it out !
shit 005.jpg