Best grow books


just screw the books. youi get all the info in places like this and anyway its mostly trial and error anyway. everyone has different water. and I am 65 and still TRUCKIN. lolol.


Well-Known Member
Hell I don't think you are even close. I've read post here I could have swore were written by preschoolers. Literally.

On topic though my wife bought me a copy of Jorge's grow bible for my birthday several years ago, but it has largely been unused. This site alone has given me more information than I will likely ever need to succeed. Plus a little comedy to boot! The age of free information via the internet has made guides more or less worthless in my eyes.

Yeah I agree. This website is my book. It's a huge book too. Hundreds of thousands pages... Haven't even completely read it that's how big it is lmao.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I agree. This website is my book. It's a huge book too. Hundreds of thousands pages... Haven't even completely read it that's how big it is lmao.
Haha the only difference is you have to put on your bullshit filter when reading stuff here. People get in arguments over the smallest things.


Well-Known Member
I love RIU, but this website should not be "your book" when you're just starting out. There are too many people giving out really bad information and you have no way to discern what's legit and what's crap.

The Cannabis Grow Bible is the book I started with. It lays out all the elements of a grow, from plant development to equipment, no matter what kind of grow you're doing. However, sometimes you're left having to make a decision between options, and then it's a great time to post a question here on RIU.

A book will not make you a great grower. Or even a successful one the first time out. But it will give you important basic information that will keep you from making uniformed mistakes over and over again.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Any Cannabis book over 10 years old, throw it out the window....
More has been learned about Cannabis over the past 10 years than the previous 300 years.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
I prefer the Ed Rosenthal 'Bible' to the Gregg Green 'Bible'.

You're old enough to remember the 70's????
I thought you were about 16 years old.
An adult would persist with the Jeckyll and Hide bullshit this long.

There is some really good stuff on this site and others on the net, and as always ask and you shall get answers.
And I heard Dr. J and mister H say the following. I don't evan know what a wanker is.

"He is a wanker"
Dr Jeckyll

"I know, an annoying one"
Mr Hide

I believe you must have confused us with someone else, as we do most certainly know what a wanker is.
If you are going to quote us, you ought to back it up with a link to prove your credibility.
Dr. Jekyll

Maybe the next time you decide to use a quote to ridicule members, you may wish to consider the source, as "self admitting rippers" have zero respect on this forum.
BTW: both you and your mentor appear rather dim witted by not even being able to spell our names correctly.
Mr. Hyde


New Member

I believe you must have confused us with someone else, as we do most certainly know what a wanker is.
If you are going to quote us, you ought to back it up with a link to prove your credibility.
Dr. Jekyll

Maybe the next time you decide to use a quote to ridicule members, you may wish to consider the source, as "self admitting rippers" have zero respect on this forum.
BTW: both you and your mentor appear rather dim witted by not even being able to spell our names correctly.
Mr. Hyde
Sorry Dr. J and Mister H,

I was making fun of Nort, I guess it did not come out right. I love the two sides to every argument, like someone else said I wish I would of thought of it.