AN Connoisseur A+B, Bud Blood, Big Bug, Carboload question


Well-Known Member
I think all child molesters should be put to death..that being said anyone can accuse anyone else of this kind of crap.Until it is proven in a court of law ill reserve judgement.
Yea home brew..there is a nice cool million dollars if you can prove AN wrong.


Well-Known Member
I think all child molesters should be put to death..that being said anyone can accuse anyone else of this kind of crap.Until it is proven in a court of law ill reserve judgement.
Yea home brew..there is a nice cool million dollars if you can prove AN wrong.
that will never happen. some people have AMAZING and INTRICATE internet personalities. but, they are only personalities.


Well-Known Member
When did Big Mike get charged with pedophelia? Musta missed that.
It was Gino, not Big Mike:

In May of 2013, Eugene Yordanov was accused with strong evidence in Bulgaria of taking a little 7 year old girl, the daughter of a friend (Ms. Velislava Veleva) of Eugene’s and Michael’s, to a deserted area and penetrating her anus with his fingers, causing a 1 centimeter long tear inside the little girl’s anal canal, and then making her fondle his penis and perform fellatio on him, while taking pictures with his phone and then showing the pictures to his friends.
Bulgarian magistrates from the appellate panel of the Sofia City Court (SCC) wrote in their official statement that Eugene was kept in custody for the full 72 hours, and then placed under house arrest because “of the evidence - testimony of 7 witnesses, 2 forensic experts, minutes of inspection, search and seizure - it can be inferred that Yordanov committed the act.”


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know, but we both know Gino is no longer with the company any more and that Mike is the sole owner. Ever heard of molestation in the church? Should I stop sending my kids to church? And those cases are actually true.
If you're Catholic, yes, you should think twice about letting your kid serve as an alter boy.

A millionaire being accused of rape is nothing new.
Other than Michael Jackson, can you name other millionaires that have been arrested for CHILD rape?


Well-Known Member
If you're Catholic, yes, you should think twice about letting your kid serve as an alter boy.

Other than Michael Jackson, can you name other millionaires that have been arrested for CHILD rape?
Do a simple google search of accused celebrity pedophiles, you will find many. I am all for a good lynching but in no way do I believe this. A millionaire is going to risk his wealth and freedom by going around showing his buddies cell phone pics of him with a child? Come on now, read the entire story and you will just scratch ur head sayin "huh?"


Well-Known Member
Do a simple google search of accused celebrity pedophiles, you will find many. I am all for a good lynching but in no way do I believe this. A millionaire is going to risk his wealth and freedom by going around showing his buddies cell phone pics of him with a child? Come on now, read the entire story and you will just scratch ur head sayin "huh?"
every few months there's another celebrity accused of child molestation. that's only celebrities. plenty of millionaires aren't celebrities and their stories don't make it into the news.


Well-Known Member
If you're Catholic, yes, you should think twice about letting your kid serve as an alter boy.

Other than Michael Jackson, can you name other millionaires that have been arrested for CHILD rape?
And dont think for one second its isolated to the catholic church, do another simple google search of fuckin jewish rabbis that are raping little boys daily, only difference is the jews keep their shit much quieter.


Well-Known Member
Do a simple google search of accused celebrity pedophiles, you will find many. I am all for a good lynching but in no way do I believe this. A millionaire is going to risk his wealth and freedom by going around showing his buddies cell phone pics of him with a child? Come on now, read the entire story and you will just scratch ur head sayin "huh?"
You act like being arrested for child rape is common, I'm asking YOU to name a few millionaires that have gone down the path of Gino and Michael Jackson.


Well-Known Member
You act like being arrested for child rape is common, I'm asking YOU to name a few millionaires that have gone down the path of Gino and Michael Jackson.
Accused of raping kids? Woody allens adopted daughter says he started raping her when she was 6-7, are we seriously going to make a list of rich people who get accused? It happens all the time and just goes away, thats why they get accused in the first place, its easier to pay em off then fight it. Point being, once again a statement was made by a Dynagro salesman that wasnt entirely true, is the owner of AN charged with raping a child? No. Mike is the sole owner of AN, has been for a bit, you know that. So maybe you should have been truthful instead of spreading half truths. I usually dont have a problem with what you say but that was a deceptive statement used for the sole purpose to further your agenda. You always say you dont care who uses AN yet you guys are always on the AN threads, another deceptive statement used to further your agenda. I actually enjoy it because now, im sitting my happy ass down on Dynagro threads talkin about food a other dribble is actually kinda fun. We can all fuck threads up, only difference is you guys do it to pimp a product, I dont.


Well-Known Member
Accused of raping kids? Woody allens adopted daughter says he started raping her when she was 6-7, are we seriously going to make a list of rich people who get accused? It happens all the time and just goes away, thats why they get accused in the first place, its easier to pay em off then fight it.
Clearly child rape happens all the time if you could only come up with one name :roll:.

Point being, once again a statement was made by a Dynagro salesman that wasnt entirely true, is the owner of AN charged with raping a child? No. Mike is the sole owner of AN, has been for a bit, you know that. So maybe you should have been truthful instead of spreading half truths. I usually dont have a problem with what you say but that was a deceptive statement used for the sole purpose to further your agenda. You always say you dont care who uses AN yet you guys are always on the AN threads, another deceptive statement used to further your agenda. I actually enjoy it because now, im sitting my happy ass down on Dynagro threads talkin about food a other dribble is actually kinda fun. We can all fuck threads up, only difference is you guys do it to pimp a product, I dont.
Gino was Co-owner up until sometime in 2013. Do you know the date of when 'Gino the pedo' sold his part to mike? I'm guessing it was around the date of these accusations.


Well-Known Member
Clearly child rape happens all the time if you could only come up with one name :roll:.

Gino was Co-owner up until sometime in 2013. Do you know the date of when 'Gino the pedo' sold his part to mike? I'm guessing it was around the date of these accusations.
Ok, once again, you are being less that truthful, an accusation was made that this happened, have you seen the pics that he was flashing to his buddies? Its fucking Bulgaria. Ok, recently Sean Combs(P Diddy) and Kevin Clash(elmo) were both accused, off the top of my head I can say woody allen, roman polanski, jimmy saville(and a few others I dont remember with him), gore vidal, roy harper, sean combs, kevin clash, michael jackson, all accused, usually multiple times, of either child rape or sex with a child under 13. Accusations happen every day, I could spend a few hours on google but this is a pretty fuckin dumb question, a rich guy accused of some deviant sexual act? No way


Well-Known Member
Not that hard to figure out. Lol, except for r kelly, we all saw the tape
LOL. hey, he was only peeing on her. :bigjoint:

what any of this has to do with nutrients is beyond me. i still don't know why these guys always show up in AN threads trying to sell Dyna. i think the best ballasts are lumatek, the best bulbs are hortilux, the best filters are CAN, but i don't go bashing people that use other brands. and AN does a lot of marketing and sells a lot of product. but that's also why their facilities can spend more on research and production. it's a business...of course you wanna sell more.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what's more fu*ked up, Gino molesting that child or you turning a blind eye towards child rape.

Bulgarian magistrates from the appellate panel of the Sofia City Court (SCC) wrote in their official statement that Eugene was kept in custody for the full 72 hours, and then placed under house arrest because "of the evidence - testimony of 7 witnesses, 2 forensic experts, minutes of inspection, search and seizure - it can be inferred that Yordanov committed the act.


Well-Known Member
Some people 'hate' AN because their owner is a pedofile ( People like me are just passing on wisdom in effort to save fellow consumers a lot of cash. It's your money, not mine, and at the end of the day I honestly and truly don't care which path you choose.

Good luck!

It it may not be America, but here we are innocent till proven Guilty.
I have a Daughter, if he is convicted with a preponderance of Evidence then I hope he rots in Jail for life.
But I don't pass Judgment till the Court Does.