grow op? co-op? dispensary? wtf


Active Member
This thread will get you no where.

Call people that you find on

Call doctors and see what they tell you.

Call dispensaries and see what they tell you.

Colorado is going to be completely flooded now that it's completely legal, that would be the last place I would go to.


Well-Known Member
Last year in Ca. different areas had different guidelines to amount of plants you can grow and how much processed material you can possess. My limits were supposed to be 6 mature or 12 immature and possess 8oz.processed/dried. Pretty silly actually. Some areas of the state will no longer allow outdoor grows. It's still a mess but much better than it was.


Active Member
Maybe I'm just pissed at the moment, but reading your crap just makes me want to face palm over and over.

Do your own research, I googled medical marijuana care taker and other terms and got tons of information in a matter of seconds.
Just like your signature says "STFU and Grow"

You want everyone here to bless you with an essay on everything to do, read up, do your homework, and go grow some goddamn weed.


Well-Known Member
ive done that everything you can find on rollitup you can also find on google wtf its the point of this web site and at the end of the day i will go to a lawer regardless i just want some insight i can care less about growing 10 20 30 plants that nothing i want to grow hundreds if you cant answer my question why post some people just like to hear them selves type.


Active Member

Maybe because people tried to help and you told them

"im not growing for my self 18 plant will not make me any money it my subject not clear?"

Not everyone is growing 20+ plants. Getting a card for 100+ plants is NOT going to be easy, or impossible for you.
Do you smoke? No, so why would they give you a card? Which you will need to grow in the first place.
Can you be a caretaker? Sure, but would is going to employe you for that when you don't even smoke?
You're looking in all the wrong places. Docs just don't hand out 100+ plant scripts because you want to "Help"
You need a valid reason, and usually people like you, don't have one.
Stick to your dayjob being a "Fireman" you're helping enough people as it is. You want to grow stuff? Go work as a gardener.

Maybe you should just make friends with people, and find someone who is willing to hire you, to become a co-caretaker. Which is basically like them asking you for help with their commercial grow, which will be HIGHLY unlikely.

Have fun bro....

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
ive done that everything you can find on rollitup you can also find on google wtf its the point of this web site and at the end of the day i will go to a lawer regardless i just want some insight i can care less about growing 10 20 30 plants that nothing i want to grow hundreds if you cant answer my question why post some people just like to hear them selves type.
bad attitude friend. u won't make here in california acting like that. if u came here and acted nice and friendly we would love u.


Well-Known Member
ive been nice peopel keep telling me to go to google i wasent being sarcastic when i asked if my subject wasent clear because no one has answered my question i can easaly go to every add up here and tell them to go to google. I started off by saying im from florida so you guys would know that whats common knowledge for you is not for me you can go on google and look up how to do CPR and find 10 diff ways if you see someone goes down rigt infront of you in cardiac arrest do you start with compressions or rescue breaths it changes all the time i just want to know how to start a commercial grow or do i need to be a dispensary to be able to grow why would i need a script its not for me. My wife died from cancer thats why I want to do this it pisses my of that i had to buy her pot on the streets and they kept giving her perks and synthetic heroin its not right and i feel the need to be a part of this movement. yeah i save lives the only one that mattered to me i couldn't.


Well-Known Member
Maybe I'm just pissed at the moment, but reading your crap just makes me want to face palm over and over.

Do your own research, I googled medical marijuana care taker and other terms and got tons of information in a matter of seconds.
Just like your signature says "STFU and Grow"

You want everyone here to bless you with an essay on everything to do, read up, do your homework, and go grow some goddamn weed.
this was nice?????

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
I answered your question twice kinds seems like you didn't like my answer. But it is what it is if your really into just helping people come to California if your trying to cash in ,California is going to dissapointment you Unless your going to ship your weed out of state !! Its going to cost a lot to grow that many plants how much cash do you have to work with.? If you don't mind me asking.

thump easy

Well-Known Member
its hard for all the new guys they get low wages everyone wants to be a grower i did to at first i blew all my money starting hear moved back from arizona its hard i finally got a nich but its fucken hard even if you are a great grower you still got to have the place to off load, and they can be a pain in the neck it comes down to greed popularity you almost have to run strains that are hard to come buy is the nich i have but its fucken hard!!!!! i have no problem these days but it took alot of years alot of bullshit and alot of crazzy shit up and downs man i could right a fucken book but dont get me wrong i have seen out of towners make it right out of your neck of the woods.. but the shot is long its like the building crazzy good luck.. and i always say if it is your dream go for it but in my life and others once you acheive the dream you wounder was it realy worth it..... and sometimes the dreams is just to hard to achieve and mabe that wasnt you calling in life... well thats just what i think.. but becarefull with humans it gets tricky...and remember becarefull what you wish for because its not always what it seams..


Well-Known Member
3 people 60,000 each. I just think you think im more familiar with it than i am im not trying to be a dick I know there are people with feilds out there do they just have a bunch of people there growing the plants for? i know that co=ops are non profit and sum-what safer than owning a dispensary. so far from what im thinking the best way to go about this would to open a dispensary or co-op because growing in bulk is not an option correct me if im wrong. and i do want to help people i also want to make money thats what business is all about.


Well-Known Member
its hard for all the new guys they get low wages everyone wants to be a grower i did to at first i blew all my money starting hear moved back from arizona its hard i finally got a nich but its fucken hard even if you are a great grower you still got to have the place to off load, and they can be a pain in the neck it comes down to greed popularity you almost have to run strains that are hard to come buy is the nich i have but its fucken hard!!!!! i have no problem these days but it took alot of years alot of bullshit and alot of crazzy shit up and downs man i could right a fucken book but dont get me wrong i have seen out of towners make it right out of your neck of the woods.. but the shot is long its like the building crazzy good luck.. and i always say if it is your dream go for it but in my life and others once you acheive the dream you wounder was it realy worth it..... and sometimes the dreams is just to hard to achieve and mabe that wasnt you calling in life... well thats just what i think.. but becarefull with humans it gets tricky...and remember becarefull what you wish for because its not always what it seams..
so do you grow or have a dispensary? or both?
and if you grow what are the plant limits?

thump easy

Well-Known Member
i usto l_6940bede57c340839bb016b466f8d6c9.jpgthis is the shop from the front and this is the shop from the side with servalance..imagejpeg_2 (3).jpgimagejpeg_2 (5).jpgthen they came and took everything.. our competitors fucken did us dirty.. and then the dream is almost as if it were a dream all the hard work all the shit you lived over in a blink of an eye.. lolz good luck their is more to it than i thought.. now i just berly make ends meat.. dont let me kill your moral but realy its hard...


Well-Known Member
do you know any lawyers that arent full of shit? lol i know they all are but one thats actually gonna give me good info. what do you think is the most profitable way to go? would buying one with a licence be the best wap i know that if you get a place that has a pre ico licence is better and ive found one for $500,000 with about 50-75 patients per day


Well-Known Member
Ok so you want to move to be a forest firefighter, but you also want to be some kind of Cannabis king pin. Yes you can grow for dispensaries co-ops etc...... You merely have to grow the best pot in the Cali cause thats the only way your getting noticed, if thats where your going, then you can worry about all the legalities. so id say there are lots of states just getting started with medical cannabis, those states also have fires and need firemen, id start in one of those states, but hey if your sold on wildfires in cali with a flooded pot market, good luck to you sir!


Well-Known Member
from the research ive done the co-ops are non profit dispensarys arent... Firesfighter for the most part have other businesses you work every 3 days every one else becomes a personal trainer or open a lawn business sell pot legally?