True indeed I worked in a dc for a while.....turret operator mostly but the gas lifts were used some mostly outside makes sense about ramping up the gas to torque gets you up to speed and horsepower keeps you there then?
torque is the force impulse against inertia.
horsepower is a result of torque and speed together, measured at the output in work accomplished.
some engines deliver so much torque that they can make the car rock when you ramp on the gas with the clutch in, but thats a result of massive fuel consumption, 90% or better volumetric efficiency, high compression ratios and usually a supercharger.
electric motors of a similar size and power output can do that job MUCH better, since the go from zero to
MAXIMUM POWER in the blink of an eye while a combustion engine has to climb up to it's best torque range.
but electric motors are always operating at
MAXIMUM POWER from the moment you close the circuit till you open it up gain.
you ever popped the clutch when your starter motor is working? the whole car lurches forward then stops because the motor has been defeated.
if you turn over the starter again youll feel it lurch again then stop because it does not have the ability to throttle up, and thus is defeated by inertia.
if your electric motor and batteries were powerful enough to move the car, you would get moving quite rapidly, even faster than you can with a gas engine, but once you hit the motors' speed, thats it. and whether you are going from a stop to cruising, or cruising for an hour, electric motors use the same amount of power all the time when they are in operation.
imagine your power drill. it goes from stopped to cranking that screw quicker than shit, but when the screw bottoms out, the drill just stops. no amount of jamming on the button will make it use more power or less (variable speed drills use a resistor to simulate a throttle but i tcan only apply downward pressure on the motor's speed)
a combustion engine, once in motion, uses FAR less juice than it does to accelerate up to speed. once it is going, it keeps going with much less input, but electric motors always use the same amount of energy to operate whether they are facing huge resistance (inertia, hills or friction) or no resistance at all.
when a combustion engine is running at speed, it breathes deeper, drawing more fuel and air in, and as that speed increase so does it's efficiency, until it hits the top of it's power curve, and then the efficiency starts to drop. (usually the spot on your speedometer occupying the vertical position is the optimum speed in top gear) this range offers the most efficient power to fuel consumption ration yet devised. this is why they are so effective.
electric motors may in fact have a better ratio of power in to power out, but that only matters in a laboratory.