It's normal for a plant to yellow when it is almost done. But...................
You are only partially correct.
During flushing or just watering in the last week or two the plants will naturally turn yellow as the plants use up the stored energy in the leaves. If the correct amount of nutrients are being applied, the plant should be green until harvest. Yellowing naturally happens over the entire plant evenly. In my experience they can be either way depending on how water or nutrients are applied in the final weeks.
There is a definite nutrient disorder showing in the pic. Yellow leaves with green veins can be one of several disorders. Macro and micro. To me it looks like maybe iron. To fix this issue or any other nutrient disorder take these steps.
1. Flush the plant with water. If you have water out of the pH range of 6-7 adjust it with a good pH up or down solution. GH pH UP/DOWN is a great choice. It is much more stable than using baking soda or lemon juice. For every gallon of soil flush with 3-4 gallon of pH adjusted water.
2. Make sure you are using a balanced nutrient regimen. (just because you may use an entire nutrient line up doesn't mean you are simply good to go.) Fertilized with a correct pH balanced solution.
3. Test run off water or nutrient solution for pH. Runoff pH should be in the correct range of 5.5-6.5. If it is out of range compensate with higher or lower pH water or nutrient solution. ie if runoff is 7.5 water with 5.5 and the average is 6.5. This is a good way to start.
On another subject your temps are way too high. And the temperature difference is too great. Keep temperatures below 75 with 70 being optimal unless using CO2. Also temperature differences should be kept to 10 degrees or less. ie High 70 low 60. This will reduce stress, allow for proper nutrient up take and metallization as well as reducing a dew point that increases the potential for powdery mildew.
One last thing bleaching can occur to the tops if the light is too close to the tops. Keep the 600 about 12 inches away. More if it's not vented.