flowering stage cutting


Plant is on flowering so whats best nutirition and how often to feed
Beside should i cut the lower branches ?


Well-Known Member
How long has it been in flower? I have been told that if you wanna take cuttings you have until the end of the first week of flower to do so, which is actually what I just did. What type of setup are you running? Hydro, soil, what? If soil just wait till the pot feels light you will be able to tell. If hydro, just watch the ppm's and ph that will tell you when to add more nutes. I have used the SS reciepe for 3 yrs and it aint done me wrong. That is botanicare line with great white but im sure you can use something other then that.


Hello its soil setup i dont want to cut the lower branch for cloning. I have seen someone said cutting the lower branch will help the upper branches to recieve the food as lower branches are useless is it ? And it firt week of flowrring


Well-Known Member
Hello its soil setup i dont want to cut the lower branch for cloning. I have seen someone said cutting the lower branch will help the upper branches to recieve the food as lower branches are useless is it ? And it firt week of flowrring
Ok if your using soil like I said before feed only as the plant needs it. Lift the pot its in to feel the weight you will notice a difference when its just been fed and when they need fed. There is truth in cutting the lower branches if you dont have the light pentration to get to them. I lollipopped all my girls and did get rid of some weaker lower branches on all of the plants. If you are looking to maximize your yields make sure to trim all the popcorn or sucker budsites of your plants because its like a having alot of money if you owe alittle bit of it to alot of people you are gonna end up with less. So try to concentrate on keeping strong branches with little to no popcorn on them and you will be rewarded.


Well-Known Member
Surly this thread depends on the OPs lighting requirements, you got shitty CFL's or T5's lollipop but you got the gear mh/hps leave them alone


Everybody always flips out about cutting and trimming in flower like it's growing taboo or something but there's absolutely nothing wrong with doing so. At least it never hurt my plants none, although I am growing hydro so they do recover from stress much faster than soil..


Well-Known Member
IMO- get rid of those sucker branches (Lower Branches)
cutting 2-4 lower sucker branches won't hurt anything.
As long as you don't go crazy pruning.
You should really do all your pruning @2weeks before flowering. It gives time for the plant to recover.

Good Luck on Your Grow.