Sweet God frow BC Bud Depot

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
WOW look's like sowdust.. thank's for takeing your time and shoing me... am looking for something differnt to test... oh is it light am sick of hevy soil...
da plantDOC


Well-Known Member
Its pretty light, when I check out the roots after harvest, it shakes right out of the roots, a lot of guys around here mix with perlite, I've been experimenting using the husk instead of perlite. Get some, try it, Look at Mared's shit, first time grow, looks like a pro.


Well-Known Member
The downside of aero-cloners, all your clones die when you forget to plug it:wall: back in, after adjusting pH.

You gotta take you lumps.:oops:

It was the outdoor bag-seed and 10 sweet gods, no problem.:roll:
Those girls have more to give, they were popping though.

I need the machine to take more Cannacopia clones today, I think i was going to have too many plants anyway.:joint:

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
HEY T.H..C i have notest that my indica plant's like a low P.H like a 5.7. me and my test.. well i have all the same strain.. i have 4 PLANT two and two a 6.3 and a 5.7 and the lower p.h. plant seem's to be useing more nute's/water and are alot bigger.. thare 27 day's old..
da plantDOC


Well-Known Member
I haven't tried taking taking samples from individual plants, sounds like a good mother plant.

Mared was saying something along those lines too.

My strain eats acid, a lot.

My NLs or diesel never ate that much acid.

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
Strain like nl is some sativa in it.. and them i notes like a little bit highter p.h. like 6.3 or so... the one's am doing the test on is hash plant THEY ARE DOING BETTER WITH LOWER .P.H. like 5.3!!! i love that strain... it's a skunky sticky dark dark green bushey like a kush!!! little fucker's grow so fast...
da plantDOC

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
HEY T.H..C i have notest that my indica plant's like a low P.H like a 5.7. me and my test.. well i have all the same strain.. i have 4 PLANT two and two a 6.3 and a 5.7 and the lower p.h. plant seem's to be useing more nute's/water and are alot bigger.. thare 27 day's old..
da plantDOC
I have two flowering plants right now. Same strain. One was the runt of the litter and has far less tolerance for nutes and acid. To give you an idea, I give it 6.1 ph and it puts out 6.2 in the runoff. The other plant likes a 200 ppm higher dose of nutes and sucks down acid. I put in 5.8 ph and get out 6.4. I'm hoping the nute/acid guzzler is the true representation of the strain because it was middle of the pack before I weeded out males and is overall more healthy.

Tetra, my original coco was coarse and husky. This new stuff I used for the clones says enhanced with worm castings and I wouldn't know it from soil just by looking at it. Very fine. Next round I'm taking a couple white lady clones, and starting 2 each of the other seeds I got. I'm going to mix a bunch of perlite in there and we can see how much better the clones do.


Well-Known Member
Had to pick up some fresh gel yesterday, went to my fav hydro store, guess what, $1800 of M+J boxed up and waiting to go back, I trust what these guys say, they're bro's, for sure.

Best advice, use it or lose it, seems the shelve life is not too long, oh yeah all the Iguna juice is going back too.

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
hey T.H.C. what's wrong with iguna juice... it is organic so oh no's... I i notest you like that baracade from A.N..... I USE ALOT OF THE B-52 AND THE SENSIZYM THAT STUFF ROCK'S...
da plantDOC


Well-Known Member
hey THC now that Im back home where my hydro shop is none at school =( I have about 100 to treat my self. If I remember correctly u said you used liquid light and penetrator. Was wondering how you like it? is it worth it? or if you have any other advice that I could spend 100 on. Mared, mary and doc or any 1 else please feel free to say what you would do with a 100 in a hydro store not much but still enough to get something nice

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Had to pick up some fresh gel yesterday, went to my fav hydro store, guess what, $1800 of M+J boxed up and waiting to go back, I trust what these guys say, they're bro's, for sure.

Best advice, use it or lose it, seems the shelve life is not too long, oh yeah all the Iguna juice is going back too.
Yeah, my hydro store guy doesn't even carry Advance products. Apparently Advance didn't get certification in my state so it is not sold here. But the guy at the store is actually cool and seems to shoot me straight. He doesn't even carry Advance but he told me it's really good shit and I could drive over the state line to get it. He even gave me the name and phone # of a competing store 30 miles away that carries Advance products. He also said the M+J has been recalled because it starts to smell really really bad after 6 months. It smells so bad people won't even give it to their plants to see if it still works. I only have half full bottles left so I'm not worried. I wonder if I can get a discount if they bring it back. It has this tarnished rep now but I know it's good:mrgreen:

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
Yeah, my hydro store guy doesn't even carry Advance products. Apparently Advance didn't get certification in my state so it is not sold here. But the guy at the store is actually cool and seems to shoot me straight. He doesn't even carry Advance but he told me it's really good shit and I could drive over the state line to get it. He even gave me the name and phone # of a competing store 30 miles away that carries Advance products. He also said the M+J has been recalled because it starts to smell really really bad after 6 months. It smells so bad people won't even give it to their plants to see if it still works. I only have half full bottles left so I'm not worried. I wonder if I can get a discount if they bring it back. It has this tarnished rep now but I know it's good:mrgreen:
What is m+j.. i use the hole line of advanced i think thare good.. thare is still alot of good nute comp's
da plantDOC


Well-Known Member
hey T.H.C. what's wrong with iguna juice... it is organic so oh no's... I i notest you like that baracade from A.N..... I USE ALOT OF THE B-52 AND THE SENSIZYM THAT STUFF ROCK'S...
da plantDOC
I use it like pH up, but always put a little in no matter what, it makes the cell walls stronger (silicon) absorbed as silicate.

That penetrator is the shit, its like the best wetting agent there is, I am using the folitech, I wanted the liquid light ,but they didn't have any.


Well-Known Member
AN is starting to show some holes.

He was showing me, the N-P-K %s are different, the same products, but different size, look close at the N-P-Ks of the different sizes.

Weird sh!t, WTF.